Since our charity was kick-started by Rosemary Jewer’s Peddars way walk from Colchester to Norfolk in 2020, we have managed to raised over £23,000! But there is still a lot more cash we need to raise!

Our charity’s purpose is to support the upkeep of the building and grounds of St. Andrew’s Church. We do this by fund-raising activities.

Final chance to see the finished quilts

We were so fortunate to have beautiful sunshine for a glorious turn out for the Giant Hug day (13th May 2024). You can see the archive with photos here as well as watching the Anglia TV footage of the event.

There’s one last chance to see the hugs on display at the church at a FREE Exhibition:

  • Friday 19th July 10:45 am – 4:30 pm
  • Saturday 20th July 10:45 am – 4:30 pm

Use the post code in your sat nav : PE32 2JT

See over 60 completed quilts (known as Hugs). These will soon be given out to young people who are leaving the care system.

Footage from ITV Anglia News (13th May 2024)

The Friends of St Andrew’s Church Little Massingham (FOSALM) and Quilts 4 Care Leavers ( have joined forces to organise the stitching together of a Giant HUG that will be large enough to wrap around St. Andrew’s Church in Lt. Massingham.

The “Let’s Give a Giant Hug” project was launched in November 2023 with lots of local interest.

The Friends of St. Andrew’s Charity has been successfully raising vital funds to help restore the church roof after thieves stole the lead from the roof back in 2017. We’ve managed to raise over £23,000 so far, but our overall target is £150,000!

The church, a Grade 1 Listed building on Heritage England at Risk Register, is in desperate need of a HUG, but so too are the young adults who have had a hard start in life being brought up in care.

Quilts 4 Care Leavers provide quilted hugs for young adults who have been in care and are making their first steps into independent living. Once discharged from the local authority care system, these 16-25 year old young adults are effectively on their own, often with very limited resources.

Caring for people, not just buildings

Quilts 4 Care Leavers provide quilted hugs for young adults who have been in care and are making their first steps into independent living when they turn 18 (or in some cases as young as 16).

The facts about life after the UK care system are bleak…

1 in 5 homeless people have been in care

1 in 5 care leavers go on to spend time in prison

Once discharged from the local authority care system, these 16-25 year old young adults are effectively on their own, often with very limited resources.

Quilts for Care Leavers was formed in October 2018 by a small group of quilters who knew how much comfort and delight a quilt can give. The aim was to make a quilted ‘hug’ for those leaving care. In less than three months, they had managed to make and donate 120 quilts.

Become a Member and support St Andrew’s Church

Do you live in or around Lt. Massingham? Perhaps you or someone in your family were married or Christened in St. Andrew’s Church, or you have relatives buried in the churchyard.

If you’d like to do your bit to help keep the church in place for future generations as generations before us have done for us, then please consider making a one-off donation or better still set up a monthly standing order with GiftAid.

What benefits are there to being a member?

Members get discounted access to organised FOSALM events and we’ll keep you in touch with our fundraising progress. Members are invited to attend the committee meetings and AGM and have voting rights.

Annual Membership Fees

Annual Membership is open to over 18’s and costs £10 per year via Cash, Cheque or BACS transfer (people are of course free to donate more if they wish!). This annual subscription works out at less than £1 per month. It helps to raise funds and covers any small charity running costs.

Donations via Monthly Standing Order

You may wish to donate via a standing order whether you are a member or not. Doing this helps reduce our administration work and is something you can set up via your online banking or at your branch.

However small your donation, it would be very much appreciated. It’s vitally important that we continue to grow the funds year on year to make this charity sustainable. Those making standing order donations (over £1 per month) will automatically be eligible to become members if they choose.

Monthly amountAnnual DonationAnnual Donation
(with GiftAid)


We’re also looking for local volunteers to help organise events such as Fetes, Concerts, Raffles and other fund-raising ideas you can think of!


If you happen to be thinking of doing something like running a Marathon, taking part in a sponsored swim or putting on your hiking boots for a sponsored Walk, but you haven’t yet got a charity in mind to raise money for, then please consider FOSALM!

Becoming a Trustee or help running the Charity

Finally – since we have only just set up the charity, there are only a small number of Trustees and few members. We’d like to get more people involved in the running of this Charity – so please do get in touch if you can help.

You don’t need to live in Massingham to be a member – so if you grew up in Massingham and have moved away, or if you have some other connection with the Church please do get involved.


If you want to know how to donate with GiftAid or to make regular monthly donations, we have a form we can send you with detailed instructions.

If you want to give an online one-off donation (without HMRC GiftAid) click below: